Entrepreneur business – WhatsApp Group

An entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards. … Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy, using the skills and initiative necessary to anticipate needs and bringing good new ideas to market.

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Entrepreneurship is turning an idea into a project

Entrepreneurship is turning an idea into a project that adds value to oneself and to society, in such a way that sustainable economic and social results are achieved over time. The first step is to submit your original idea to a reflection that prompts you to clearly define on paper what the objective is, to whom the idea is intended and with what resources you will carry it out. To do this, you have simple tools that help you grow the idea (creativity techniques) and above all, make it “land” on a canvas that allows you to have a general photo, such as the Business Model Canvas, a Plan of Business or the Valuation exercises: Are you solving a problem and will someone be interested in your solution? This step will help you to specify as much as possible what you know how to do and what you are really passionate about, what you want to achieve, and what resources (human, financial, material) you will equip yourself to reach your goal. In this phase you have to be open to a maximum of ideas and learn, learn, learn.

Creativity: This stage focuses on transforming these innovative, personal, business concerns into ideas that generate and add value in different areas and sectors.

Canvas Model: The Business Model Generation starts from the idea generated in the creativity phase for the definition and creation of a business model that takes into account all its elements and interactions between them. See how to create your canvas model in English.

Valorization: It focuses on the analysis and market value of the initiative before starting to carry it out to minimize and mitigate possible risks.

“Creativity is learned the same as one learns to read” Sir Ken Robinson

Generally, a business plan must consider the following aspects:

Executive Summary: General description of the main aspects of the initiative in each of the areas contemplated in the Business Plan

Description and enhancement: Explanation of the objectives, mission and vision of the initiative, as well as the enhancement of the initiative

Potential Market: Analysis of the potential market to which the initiative is directed
Competition Analysis: Identify and analyze competition both globally and locally in the different markets in which you want to develop the activity

Strategic Alliances: Analyze and determine alliances that can be complementary and strategic to the initiative in different areas (development of the initiative, sales, investors)

Business Model and Financial Plan: Description of the exploitation model of the initiative and the detail of the

Financial Plan with the necessary financial resources in each phase of the initiative

Resource and Organization Plan: Details of the resources necessary to carry out the initiative, as well as the organizational structure (roles, profiles) to carry it out.

Financial Economic Plan: Using the formal structure of current accounting legislation, develop a treasury plan, operating account, investment plan, determine the structure of financial resources … information that will determine the economic viability of your project, that is, If it has the solvency, profitability and liquidity necessary to carry it out.

Operations Plan: It concerns all those organizational and technical aspects that the elaboration of the products or services that are going to be provided in your business implies.

Legal Legal Plan: Identify the factors that must be taken into account when choosing the most appropriate legal form for the development of your business activity. Factors such as the limits of responsibility, the commitment of the assets prior to the start of the activity, the taxation of the business, the need for external financing, …

Marketing and Sales Strategy: Description of who the product / solution / Service is aimed at, what need it solves, added value, positioning, sales strategy and approach to customers

Main Risks and Exit Strategy: Identification, analysis and quantification of the main risks associated with the initiative

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