Just Friends India – WhatsApp Group

This is a group just to make friends in India


We will allow members from India and just to create friendship. We want to share our day to day, our passion and our goals. We also want to support each other with advice, experiences and knowledge.

Please only join if you are in India and you want to make friends.

The reality is not like that. There are many reasons why someone can feel lonely: a move to another city, a romantic relationship that has alienated them from their friends, an absorbing job or excessively lonely hobbies.

For a multitude of reasons there will be times when you feel the need to meet more people. Most of us prefer to do it in situations that do not seem forced. Circumstances in which talking to someone can come naturally and do not require too much effort on our part.

But these types of situations are not always within our reach, and on top of that, the older we get, the more difficult it is for us to meet new people. That is why you must be brave, contradict what is socially established and get out of your comfort zone. It is still impossible to meet someone in person from the sofa at home.

To make your task easier, in this article I will propose 7 places (virtual and physical) where you can go if you want to expand your social circle, as well as the communication techniques to achieve it.

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