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It is not a secret that TikTok is one of the most famous platforms in Peru and the world. One of the main factors that caused its popularity is that it has an excellent monetization system that allows content creators to earn money for the videos they publish. How much can be earned?

In the case of Peru, there are several tiktokers that are recognized and followed by millions of people, so the question of who is the most followed and who generates more income compared to the competition has always been present.

To answer this question, the Influencer Marketing Hub TikTok money calculator has been used, which can be accessed for free from this link. Next, we will let you know who are the Peruvian tiktokers that receive the most money in comparison per publication.

lossiblings tiktok profile WhatsApp

The top is led by these brothers, who usually post videos making trends, funny content, as well as dances. In addition to having the largest number of followers with a total that exceeds the figure of 25.6 million, they are also the ones that generate the most money on the platform, since, according to the calculator, each post gives them approximately between 15,300 and 25,500 dollars. .

Josi tiktok profile WhatsApp

Although it is true that he is one of the first to promote TikTok in our country, the renowned influencer Josi Martínez is currently the second Peruvian with the most followers on the platform, and he also takes bronze in terms of money generated per post, since he receives between $13,440 to $22,400 per video.

Several users may be surprised to learn that Josi is not the most followed tiktoker. Photo: Influencer Marketing Hub
Several users may be surprised to learn that Josi is not the most followed tiktoker. Photo: Influencer Marketing Hub

Aylin tiktok profile WhatsApp

The Peruvian influencer, who is focused on sharing geek content, has more than 17.4 million followers on TikTok, which has earned her the third person in our country who earns the most money for her posts, receiving approximately 10,440 at $17,401.

The tiktoker has a high number of followers on the main social networks. Photo: Influencer Marketing Hub
The tiktoker has a high number of followers on the main social networks. Photo: Influencer Marketing Hub

Lime Bear tiktok profile WhatsApp

The popular influencer became known for taking to the streets and supporting with money those people who work selling candy or who do not have the resources to access a job. Currently, he has more than 9.7 million followers and according to the calculator, each video published generates an income between 5,820 and 9,700 dollars.

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