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The transition from HBO to HBO Max caught many Spanish users clueless at the end of 2021, who did not fully understand the change. Was it a new service? A rebranding? Would HBO disappear? There were quite a few unknowns that flooded the network. However, the transition from HBO to HBO Max has much more science than it seems at first glance, so today we will review and clarify a little what has happened to this popular content streaming platform and what is the difference between these two services.

The origins of HBO and HBO Max

The acronym for HBO stands for ‘Home Box Office’, that is, ‘Locker at home’. The company began its walks in the world of entertainment in 1965 in the United States, being the first television channel to be broadcast by satellite, instead of the terrestrial broadcast of the rest of the channels of its time. In 1986, HBO also made another historic milestone, becoming the first network to encrypt its broadcast to prevent piracy.

The company grew, reaching multiple countries and offering itself to clients from all over the world with alternative channels. On occasion, HBO channels were included in cable television packages, where HBO International licensed its services. This formula worked successfully for HBO for several decades, until the entertainment business changed course a few years ago.

HBO GO: the germ of HBO Max

Times have changed. In 2010, the rise of mobile devices led HBO to evolve the television format that had been exploited until then. Thus was born HBO GO, which was the company’s video-on-demand service. Among the products included were productions from 20th Century Fox, Universal Pictures and Warner Bros.

On the other hand, there was another service called HBO NOW. It was identical to HBO GO, except that GO was for those who had HBO contracted on the television and NOW was for those new subscribers who did not want to have the television channel.

However, these services never reached our country. Instead, HBO Spain would do it, a radically different product.

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