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Trendy Number 1 Nobody will want to talk to your brand on the phone

Between lockouts, disruption to global supply chains, and labor shortages, consumers have more pressing questions for businesses than ever. And they’ve found that they can get answers to those questions more conveniently using social media.

In a Nielsen survey commissioned by Facebook, 64% of people said they’d rather send a message than call a business. And according to Gartner, 60% of all customer support requests will be handled through digital channels by 2023.

However, despite the increase in demand, many organizations are not yet ready to offer effective customer service through social networks.

But data from our most recent Social Media Trends survey suggests the tide may be turning. 59% of respondents agree that social customer service has increased their value to their organization.

Things to do:

Start thinking about a customer service strategy on social networks.
Create specific answer templates for frequently asked questions.
If you haven’t already, try using a chatbot to improve response time.
Combine all customer support conversations in one tool. (We suggest Sparkcentral or Hootsuite Inbox.)
Train your social media marketing team on customer service best practices. Better yet, hire dedicated customer service agents for your social networks.

Trendy Number 2 Long video is a flop, except on YouTube

According to video hosting software company Vidyard, 60% of all videos posted on the internet in 2020 were less than 2 minutes long.

Two years ago, with the advent of IGTV and Facebook Watch (not to mention the supposed demise of Snapchat), there was a time when we all thought long videos were the future.

YouTube, known for its long-form educational videos, rewarded videos longer than 10 minutes. And Facebook wanted to compete on the same ground.

Companies rushed to make “TV series” for their social platforms. Will Smith even narrated an IGTV show for National Geographic. It seemed that Facebook was not only going to take on YouTube, but also the cable TV networks.

But then TikTok came to the United States. In response, Instagram launched Reels in late 2020, and the rest is history.

We have reached the fall of 2021: Instagram has missed out on IGTV. Nobody talks about Facebook Watch anymore. Even YouTube, the last bastion of long-form video on social media, has introduced a new format. You guessed it: YouTube Shorts.

The success of Reels and TikTok follows the success of Stories (another short-form video format), which saw rapid user uptake between 2018 and 2020.

Unfortunately, Facebook hasn’t updated Stories’ 500 million user count since Reels launched in 2020, so we can’t really tell if it’s grown. But attempts to copy the defunct short-form video format on Twitter and LinkedIn failed in 2021. RIP Fleets and LinkedIn Stories.

This leads us to believe that social network users are not going to watch any short-form video. They also have to be entertaining and engaging. Also, maybe the content that disappears is no longer as engaging as it used to be.

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