How to use Web WhatsApp

Learn to use WhatsApp Web and use the messaging app on your computer or tablet.

Retrieve messages

WhatsApp Web is, without a doubt, one of the best inventions to come out of the WhatsApp offices, since it allows you to send and receive messages from your computer or tablet, without the need to use the mobile app.

And although it is not as complete a solution as that of Telegram or other rivals in the field of messaging, the tool offers everything – or almost everything – that is necessary for those moments when we prefer to use WhatsApp through the browser instead to turn to our smartphone.

Despite being a simple and easy-to-use utility, WhatsApp Web hides many more secrets and curiosities than most users of the platform could imagine. In this guide, we select some of the most useful, as well as several tips and tricks with which to get the most out of the web version of the messaging platform. But first, what is WhatsApp Web really?

Its name leaves no room for doubt: WhatsApp Web is nothing other than the web version of WhatsApp. At first, the functions of the tool were limited, and among other things, it was not possible to send or receive documents, and until several months after its birth only some browsers were compatible. Fortunately, with the passage of time, new features were arriving that turned WhatsApp Web into a much more complete tool.

Regarding its operation, it must be borne in mind that at the moment WhatsApp Web requires an associated mobile phone and connected to the Internet at all times, or the application will not work.

This has caused the utility to be in the crosshairs of criticism, since multiplatform alternatives such as Telegram offer the possibility of continuing chats on computers or other devices such as tablets, without the need to keep the phone associated with the account connected. Username. In addition, due to the system that WhatsApp Web uses, on more than one occasion we have had to report problems or security breaches that would allow attackers to spy on users’ conversations.

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