Indonesia Fashion Brands WhatsApp Group

A list of the best Fashion Emerging Brands in Indonesia

Join this group to share your best brands. This group only works for users in Indonesia.

seminggu.rtw Fashion Indonesia

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COMFYWOMFY Fashion Indonesia

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MARGO Fashion Indonesia

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About Fashion Brands

TEMPLATES FOR LOCAL BRANDS in Instagram and WhatsApp

I am a customer / a fan of your brand. I’d like to know more about the people making the clothes for your brand and their working conditions.

Here are a few questions that will help assure me of your brand’s transparency and help me decide if I’d like to continue supporting your brand.

1. Who makes your clothing?

2. Are they paid fairly? Do they earn a living wage and are able to afford basic necessities?

3. How do you ensure the safety of people who make your clothes?

4. Do you believe the people that make clothes for your company are empowered and have a dignified job? If yes, how so? If no, how will you improve?

I am looking forward to a response from you!


<insert your name>


Dear <insert brand name>,

I am a customer/a fan of your brand. I’d like to know more about the people making the clothes for your brand and their working conditions.

Here are a few questions that will help assure me of your brand’s transparency and help me decide if I’d like to continue supporting your brand.

  1. How do you ensure the safety of people who make your clothes?
  2. How many workers in your supply chain earn a living wage?
  3. How do you encourage female leadership in your organisation?
  4. Can your workers exercise their right to join a union?

I am looking forward to a response from you!



If a brand responds, follow up! with a conversation in WhatsApp or Instagram

About Gender Equality

“What policies do you have in place to make sure women working in your supply chain don’t experience verbal, physical and sexual harassment?”

Safe working conditions

“Do you conduct independent audits to every factory you source from? Do you require mandatory fire & safety training for the people who make your clothes? Do you have any programs or partnerships in place to improve worker health & safety? Are workers encouraged to report hazards and near misses in the workplace?”

Fair pay

“Do you know how many workers in your supply chain earn a living wage rate, as defined by the Global Living Wage coalition?

How are you working to ensure that all of the workers in your supply chain can exercise their right to join a union?”

Modern Slavery

“Do you publish your 2nd (processing facilities) and 3rd tier (raw materials) supplier lists to help NGOs and independent organisations perform due diligence around modern slavery further down the supply chain?”

Water Contamination

“Do you publish a ‘Restricted Substances List’? Do you adhere to the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) commitment?”

Waste + Landfill

“Do you incinerate your unsold stock? Do you send returned items bought online to landfill? What practices do you have in place to reduce pre-consumer and post-consumer waste? Do you have an active program to reduce waste on the factory floor? What do you do with your offcuts, damaged goods and other supply chain waste?”

Carbon Emissions

“Do you publish your annual carbon footprint, for your own operations and your entire supply chain? Do you have a goal to reduce your carbon footprint? What is your target carbon footprint by 2025? Are you committed to science-based targets to limit global warming by 2050? Do you offset your emissions?”

Animal welfare

“Do you publish an animal welfare policy? Do you source mulesing-free wool? Are you party to any animal welfare and animal sourcing transparency initiatives, including the Leather Working Group, Responsible Down Standard, Traceable Down Standard or Responsible Wool Standard?”

Ocean Plastic

“Do you have a strategy in place to eliminate plastics from your packaging? Will you commit to eliminating virgin polyester from your supply chain? Do you disclose what you are doing to reduce microfibre shedding from clothing?”


“Do you source viscose and man-made cellulose materials from sustainably managed forests, through initiatives such as Canopy? How do you ensure your forest-based materials are not in conflict with indigenous land rights? Is your leather supply chain traceable to the raw material? ”

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