Organic Food India WhatsApp Group

Sustainable food

The growing awareness of organic production methods and the increase in disposable income is fueling the demand for organic and sustainable food. Concerns about food safety and quality seem to be the main reason for consumers in Asia. The Chinese market has expanded significantly in the past decade, in part due to the high incidence of food scares, such as rotten meat, sewage oil, contaminated beef and pork.

The melamine scandal – which involved dairy products and infant formula adulterated with the industrial chemical – has had the biggest impact. China now has the largest market for organic infant formula products in the world, worth in the United States $200 million.

Do you buy organic food? WhatsApp Poll

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  1. Always, organic food is my number 1 choice
  2. Sometimes
  3. Never
  4. I do not know

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Indian market is showing rapid growth

The Indian market is also showing rapid growth. Like China, flourishing and willing to pay a premium for organic food that is perceived to be healthier and safer than conventional food. The Indian government announcement reported last week that the organic logo and national regulation increase consumer confidence in organic products. India already has the largest number of organic farmers in the world, 585,000. In 2016, an important milestone was reached when Sikkim became the first 100% organic state in Asia.

Organic Food Conference

BioFach is an Organic Products Fair and Conference in Bangalore which is held every year. This event brings together producers, exporters and consumers, forming an ideal space for the entire production chain of the green economy.

Here, you will find companies and producers of agricultural products, meat, dairy, fish and other foods, cleaning articles, medicines, textiles, cosmetics and agricultural consumption produced according to organic and Bio standards.

The event is also a space for the exchange of knowledge and technology transfer, and to discover new business opportunities.

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