WhatsApp group for Universities in Cameroon

If you want to join WhatsApp groups for Universities in Cameroon, join these groups to solve common questions about your enrollment, transportation, cool places to hangout. As well as meeting new people from your University.

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These are the top universities in Cameroon.

Université de Dschang

Université de Buéa

Université de Ngaoundéré

Université de Yaoundé

Université de Douala

Université des Montagnes

Catholic University of Cameroon

Institut Catholique de Yaoundé

Université de Maroua

Université de Yaoundé II

Here are some facts and stats about the universities in Cameroon.

Cameroon is home to 128 universities. The Université de Dschang is both the oldest and best university in the country. Founded in 1933, it is located in the city of Dschang and enrolls about 12,000 students. Lastly, the average cost of tuition in Cameroon is about 90 US dollars.

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