WhatsApp group for Universities in the Netherlands.

If you want to join WhatsApp groups for Universities in the Netherlands, join these groups to solve common questions about your enrollment, transportation, cool places to hangout. As well as meeting new people from your University.

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These are the top universities in the Netherlands.

Wageningen University & Research

University of Amsterdam

Leiden University

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Utrecht University

Delft University of Technology

University of Groningen

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Maastricht University

Radboud University Nijmegen

Here are some facts and stats about the universities in the Netherlands.

The Netherlands is home to 20 universities of great quality, as seven of them are in the top 100 worldwide. The top university is Wageningen University & Research which has 14,000 students enrolled and has a special focus on enviromental studies. Moreover it is one of the best universities for social sciences.

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